A subscription will release the full power of Veesus software.
Without a valid license our software can be trialled, however output will be watermarked.
Point Cloud for Revit
Point Cloud for Rhino
Point Cloud for Solidworks
VPC Creator
Arena4D – Packages
Point Server
Login to your account and select Change Subscription. Then you have the option to Cancel Plan.
Professional & Teams allow you to access point cloud data stored on your location computer hard drive.
Veesus Point Cloud (VPC). This file is much smaller than traditional point cloud files. Convert your data for free using our VPC Creator.
All headsets require SteamVR to be installed and running. SteamVR application indicates correct connection to headset (do you see the SteamVR Lobby in the headset), make sure this is the case. If using a laptop make sure it is VR Ready!
Ensure that the global preset for your nVidia card is set to “Workstation App -> Dynamic Streaming” for optimum performance.